Monday, September 18, 2017


Another Lame Email

My comp's camera got a virus on it and i forgot mine at home so no pictures this week.  Sorry.


This week we made a GIANT Book of Mormon to take contacting with us. We went to Dedeman which is the Romanian Home Depot and bought some huge styrofoam and hinges and paint and gold paper and this thing comes up to my hip bone. It's HUGE but I don't have picture. 

We also had district meeting in Iasi again and it was pleasant. It's nice to go back to Iasi every week. I'm sad I was only there for one transfer.

Not much else fun happened this week.
My emails suuuuuuuck lately. #sorrynotsorry

HAVE A FUN SEPTEMBER and enjoy this meme:

Inline image 1

Sora Lucy Gleason
România/Moldova Mission
July 2016-December 2017