Monday, May 8, 2017


To quote Michael Jackson: HELLO BUDAPEST!


So on Tuesday we moved more of our stuff from the old apartment to the new apartment (we started moving last week but I didn't write about it) and then we went to visit Sora Nitica (the member who's like a million years old.) She's good. Her Orthodox friend was there and he was praying when we got there and prayed for like 15 minutes but also said "amen" like every 30 seconds so we kept thinking he was done... nope. Never done. After Sora Nitica we ran to the store and bought a new toaster because we needed one for the new apartment and then went to English. A member named Andreea taught our beginner English class because since Elder Hansen went home, his companion was just in a trio with the APs until transfers. So I was in a two sister city again :) For almost two weeks. They left Wednesday morning (last Wednesday not the one I'm about to talk about). 

On Wednesday we got out of the apartment a little early because I wanted McDs breakfast. They stop serving it here at 10am which is STUPID. So on Monday we got there at like 955 and waited in line and just as I got up to the front they flipped the menus and stopped serving breakfast. I was NOT happy. So we went back on Wednesday around 9 :) I got my McMuffin and it was glorious. Then we had to do some more stuff with our old landlord and move some more stuff and then we went to have a lesson with Elena. She's someone we found in the area book last week. We met with her last week and when we walked in, she had a triple combination on her desk and she said she'd read the whole thing like 6 times. She's awesome, she just doesn't want to get baptized again because she's already been baptized Orthodox. But she's super nice and she gave us strawberries :) So today we decided to teach a Resto lesson but she likes to talk a lotttt so it was hard to keep it on track. But it was still good. Then we traveled for an hour and a half to go visit a member and her investigator friend (they live way out in the country so we had to take a maxi taxi to get there and then walk for 20 minutes) AND SHE WASN'T HOME. This wasn't a random visit. She knew we were coming so I was really not happy. Getting bunged sucks anyway but getting bunged out in the middle of nowhere la tara? It's horrible. So then we came back to the city, did language study, and then had branch scripture study. A member named Kate from America taught. It was so strange to talk about church stuff in English again. It felt real good.

Thursday morning we got lost because the elders didn't give us great directions to this mall we were gonna go contacting at so we ended up at the wrong mall. Not a big deal but we were looking forward to seeing something new, not the mall we already knew existed. But that's okay. We met with a member named Corina. She's  really nice. We ran to the beach with an empty waterbottle because Elder Farnsworth (not the elder who went home, the other one) is finishing his mission for real this week and he forgot to take a bottle of sand from Constanta before he left. So we got him some sand. 

We had District Meeting via Skype with Elder Farnsworth and the elders from Craiova. It was weird. Then we met with a recent convert named Mihaela and talked about the ten commandments. Then Pizza Hut :)))) They have this lunch menu that's super great. soup or salad and a small pizza and dessert for 22 lei. That's like 5 dollars. It's wonderful. Then we called a bunch of people from our area book and had games night. 

Transfer boards! I'm in Bucuresti now :) I only spent 6 weeks in Constanta (one transfer) so I got one and outed. But I'm really glad. It was a hard transfer for me and I'm excited for a fresh start. So after we found out where we were going, we taught English and then came home so I could pack. While I packed, we watched all of The District. All. Of. It. All 5 discs. It was fun. Also I have too much stuff. Also at some point we went to a street food festival in old town and it was super fun. We met some people from the military base who did not look old enough to be in the military. I thought they were like 17. They were nice. 

Sunday we had branch conference so that meant that President and Sora Ivory came.
Elder Farnsworth also came with another elder so that he could say goodbye to everyone. 

Conference was really good. There was food afterward. We got to take home the leftovers. For a second I got really excited because I remembered we had leftovers but then I also remembered that I'm currently in Bucuresti, not Constanta, and those leftovers aren't mine. Dang it. 

We woke up early this morning to catch our train to Buc. Getting my luggage outside to the taxi was fun because our apartment block doesn't have an elevator. Whoo-hooo. Then we trained to Buc, and I met my new companion at the gara. Her name is Sora Nowjack :) She's from an island near Seattle and she just got finished being trained, so she's pretty new! I'm really excited to be with her though. This is going to be a great transfer :) We went grocery shopping and then I tried to unpack, then I gave up on unpacking, and now we're emailing :)

To explain the subject line: MJ did a concert here once or something and he greeted the city by saying "Hello Budapest!" not realizing that Budapest is a city in Hungary and that he was actually in Bucharest, Romania :))))

Also I made ramen this week and I was really happy about it because I haven't had top ramen in a longggggggggg time.. and shout out to Alex in Cluj for the sriracha sauce :)

Sora Lucy Gleason
România/Moldova Mission
July 2016-January 2018

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