Monday, August 28, 2017


Boring week because I'm sick!  Sorry

This week I was sick so we did a lot of half days and honestly nothing worth writing about really happened... so I'm not gonna do a group email this week. Sorry fam, I know you must be terribly disappointed. I'll just do some highlights.

-I have a cyst on my finger and I had to go to a plastic surgeon for it.
-I learned what it's like to be a mother because our sixteen year old investigator wants to date a 22 year old and she just WOULDN'T LISTEN TO US!
-Cheesy bacon flavored ramen is a thing here. My comp says it was good. 


p.s. In case you're worried I'm no longer sick :)))

Sora Lucy Gleason
România/Moldova Mission
July 2016-January 2018

Monday, August 21, 2017


"So did Voldemort Die of old age or What?"

Monday August 14
We met with a random guy from our phone who turns out he lives in the apartment above us. We walked home together and then fifteen minutes after we get to our apartment, he knocks on our door and had brought us ardei umpluti. Stuffed peppers. Random. They were pretty good though.

Tuesday August 15
The only notable thing from Tuesday was meeting with Otilia. It was a weird meeting. She was like "okay now I wanna teach you guys something!" So she read us a bunch of weird Bible verses about marriage and taught us how to be good wives. Weird. 

Wednesday August 16
I was sick all morning. We cancelled everything and I slept all day basically. I might have a stomach worm  or I'm just lactose intolerant now.  We went out for dinner with the ILP girls later in the evening and it was good. Two of them are getting married like as soon as they get home. Like, they have a month to plan their wedding. WHAT?

Thursday August 17
We did limba study and comp study and weekly planning and then we were supposed to meet with a guy named Nicu and the elders to pass Nicu off to them but Nicu bunged and then the elders weren't even there anyway. 

Friday August 18
District meeting was chill. Salad box for lunch. Contacting. We showed up to an appointment an hour early because our phone freaked out and was an hour ahead and neither of us noticed. LOL we both wear watches. We're dumb. But we met with Otilia and talked about personal progress and we're gonna do the program with her :) Then games night. The elders made ice cream sandwich cookies. Sora Wright smashed my foot with a chair and now my toe is swollen and my whole foot hurts :))) 

Saturday August 19
We did some contacting and had a good day and then we had a baptism! 

Mihaita got baptized and it was so great. Highlight of the day. Also the special musical number got sick so the elders called and asked if we could do something. We were like yeah, fine. This was fifteen minutes before the baptism. Then Elder Redenbaugh is like wait, what if Sister Wright and I just duet The Hills Are Alive from The Sound of Music? WE THOUGHT HE WAS JOKING. But we get to the church and he had the lyrics printed up and then they did it. At a baptism. It was ridiculous. 

Sunday August 20
We went to church and then came home and made lunch. Did some fun missionary stuff. Got bunged. Highlight of the day: SORA WRIGHT ASKED ME THE DUMBEST QUESTION OF MY LIFE. We were talking about Harry Potter and she just goes: "So did Voldemort die of old age or what?" I DIED. And called our elders just because I needed to express my disgust. All in good spirits of course. Elder Brownell was just as outraged as I was. Then we spent about an hour over dinner learning about the life of Voldemort. 

Sora Lucy Gleason
România/Moldova Mission
July 2016-January 2018

Monday, August 14, 2017


Mi-am vopsit parul si vreau sa vorbesc in limba romana tot timpul :))))

Dupa email noi am mers la biserica si ne am intalnit cu Otilia :) Niciodata nu a mancat tacos, deci noi am facut tacos cu ea si a fost foarte fain :) Ei ii a placut dar a spus ca erau prea picante. Ca si deobicei aici in Romania. Nimanui nu ii place mancarea picanta. 

In dimineata noi am avut interviuri cu Presedintele si Sora Hettinger. Al meu era ok. Dupa interviurile noaste, noi am avut un schimb de experienta cu Sora Hettinger. Am mers la Carturesti ca sa facem studiu de limba. Sora Hettinger incearca sa invete limba romana, si intr-adevar, invata! Am invatat-o cum sa te rogi pentru mancare. Dupa aia am mers la un restaurant de tip mexican pentru pranz. Am mancat taquitos si uau au fost foarte buni. Noi am facut studiu cam colege ca sa ne pregatim pentru lectiile noastre de dupa-amiaza. Sora Hettinger a fost un ajutor mare pentru noi. Noi am facut contactare in centru si Surorii Hettinger ii placea sa faca contactare cu familiile cu copii mici. Atunci, am mers la biserica din nou sa intalnim cu Otilia :)))) Noi am invatat-o Evanghelia lui Hristos. Ea e cea mai pregatita persoana pe care am intalnit-o in toata misiunea mea. Serios. Ea a citit Cartea lui Mormon in doar TREI ZILE. O iubesc foarte mult. Familiei Hettinger le place de ea foarte mult. Dupa aia, am avut corsul nostru de limba engleza. Inca urasc sa predau engleza. Clasa noastra e smechera. Dupa, noi si cu Sora Hettinger am mers la Maxim dar el ne-a BUNGED. Ce trist. La 23, surorile din Brasov au ajuns la apartamentul nostru :))))))

Conferinta de zona! A fost okay. Nimic mindblowing. Pranzul a fost scarbos. Otilia a venit pentru interviul ei :) Dupa conferinta, am mers la mall pentru cina cu misionarii din Brasov si atunci am mers acasa. 

Schimb de experienta cu fosta mea colega Sora Vann! Mi-a fost dor de ea. Am avut o lectie cu Oana.  Dupa, am luat pranzul cu surorile celelalte. Am primit un telefon de la Otilia. Ceva a schimbat in mintile lor si ea a trebuit sa push back data ei de botez :((( Dar am avut o lectie foarte tare cu ea. Spiritul a fost prezent intr-un mod foarte tare si clar. Otilia e minunata in fiecare fel. Dupa aia ne-a sunat proprietarul nostru si ne-a spus ca un instalator o sa vina la noi sa repare aer conditionat si noi am fugit acasa si acum apartamentul nostru e cam frig :))) aleluia. La 23, surorile au plecat. Ce trist. Probabil n-o sa o vad pe Sora Vann din nou pana merg acasa. Ciudat. 

Am mers la casa lui Maxim. Elderii au facut ceva si banuiesc ca a mers fiindca acum el era pregatit pentru botez. Am avut seara de jocuri si Sora Wright a facut no bake cookies pentru ea. Otilia a venit :)))))

Engleza! Uch. Botezul lui Maxim :)))) Si cam atat pentru Sambata.

AAAAAAAAAAA! Pentru societate de alinare, am tradus din engleza in romana si am reusit foarte bine si ma simt un pic mandra :))))  Dupa aia am mers acasa pentru pranz si am facut planificare pentru saptamana aceasta fiindca n-am avut timp joi sau vineri. Si..... mi-am vopsit parul. aaaaaa. 

Am facut curatenie foarte adanc... adica apartamentul nostru e foaaaarte in regula acuma. Si cam atat. 

After email we went to the church and met with Otilia :) She's never had tacos before so we made tacos with her and it was awesome :) She liked them but thought they were too spicy. Like usual in Romania. No one likes spicy food. 

In the morning we had interviews with Pres and Sister Hettinger. Mine was okay. After interviews, we had exchanges with Sora Hettinger. We went to a bookstore to study Romanian. She's trying to learn, and she's learning! I taught her to bless the food in Romanian. After that we went to a Mexican place for lunch. I had taquitos. They were good. We comp studied. Did contacting. Met with Otilia. The Hettingers love her. I still hate English. 

Zone conference. Nothing mind blowing. Gross lunch. Mall after for good food with Brasov missionaries. 

Exchanges with Sora Vann! I missed her. We had a lesson with Oana.  I don't know what to do with her. After, we had lunch with the other sisters. Otilia called. Her parents want her to wait to be baptized. Sad. But it was a good lesson still. She's super prepared. Our landlord called. Our AC got fixed so we had to run home. Now our apartment is actually not hot! Eventually the sisters left. I probably won't see Sora Vann again till I go home :( weird.

We went to Maxim's with the the elders. IDK what happened but he's ready for baptism now. Games night. It was good.

English! Maxim got baptized! 

So for RS I translated from English into Romanian which is WAY harder than the other way around and I did SO GREAT and I'm a little proud :,) after that we weekly planned and did some other stuff and.... I dyed my hair. 

We deep cleaned. That's about it.

Sora Lucy Gleason
România/Moldova Mission
July 2016-January 2018

Monday, August 7, 2017


It's so hot that even a Texan and a Californian think it's too hot!

Uh after I emailed I packed more and cried some and then we ordered pizza :)

So on Tuesday we went and cleaned out the other sisters' apartment in Buc because the sister coming in was whitewashing and getting a boboaca so she wouldn't have time to do it. (So whitewashing is when two new people go into an area together so  they don't know anything. Boboaca means little duckling and it's slang for freshman here so it means greenie.)  It was pretty gross but now it's clean. Then we got KFC and did some office treaba and packed more and then visited Daisy. She's great. She makes awesome food. 

So Wednesday morning I actually finished packing haha. Also at some point I found out that the trio got cancelled! So I was just going to Iasi with one companion, not two. We met Sora Wright at the gara and I said goodbye to my lovely companions and then we took a train to Iasi. Then a taxi to our apartment. Then we slept. 

View from our apartment 😍😍😍

We went to the church to do companion study and then we went out to lunch with Otilia. She's sixteen. She met the missionaries about two weeks ago and read the Book of Mormon in three days. We talked about the Plan of Salvation with her and she wants to get baptized! She's tentatively scheduled for the twelfth of August right now, it might get pushed to the nineteenth but definitely this month. She's the cutest person I've ever met. She's literally a Disney princess. Snow White, actually. She's so stinking cute. After that, we did a brief weekly planning session so Sora Wright could tell me about all of the people we're working with right now. Then we both unpacked because we took over a different companionship's apartment. 

District meeting! The elders in Bacau are in our district right now and wowwwww I can't even tell you how jealous I am that they get to be in Bacau. I miss that town so much. DM was good. We brought bread and peaches and we had PB and J at the church so we made sandwiches for lunch and then met with Oana. I can't tell if she even likes us. It was a weird lesson. Then we went with the elders to visit Maxim, who was on date to be baptized on the 12th. Well that was an interesting lesson. Needless to say, his date got pushed back. He's just not ready. Then we had games night! Otilia came and brought muffins. They were so good. The elders had a friend there named Andra who I hit it off really well with. We're going to start meeting with her when she gets back from England next week :) I really like Iasi. We have so much going on.

We did comp study and then some contacting at the mall. It's been so hot this whole week that being outside is just NOT an option. Like, if a Californian and a Texan can't handle the heat, that's when you know it's hot. Then we met up with Otilia again and talked about her baptism. Since she's underage, she needs parental consent. She said that won't be a problem and that actually her parents would love to hear our message too. Funny story, her family investigated the church ten years ago, both her parents read the Book of Mormon and thought it was great, and then they just lost contact.

The branch... well, they're nice. I got to translate again. Yayyyy I honestly love it so much. After church we had two lessons set up buuut they both fell through. So we came home and weekly planned and then tidied up/unpacked more. We found laser pens and messed with pedestrians. It was fun. 

Not much. A guy came to fix our leaky showers and sinks and another guy is coming later this week to fix our AC. We've been dying. Tomorrow, Sora Hettinger is going to spend the day with us. Wednesday is zone conference. Then Thursday we have exchanges with our STLs adica I get to be comps with Sora Vann for a day sooo it's gonna be bomb. Next week's email is gonna be poppin :)

Sora Lucy Gleason
România/Moldova Mission
July 2016-January 2018