Monday, May 15, 2017


Mexican food. Spaghetti with ketchup. Shaorma. Happy Mothers Day!

This is like the only picture I took this week. Elder Lemon on the left Elder Green on the right on our way to lunch. That's the Arc de Triumf and it's the reason Buc used to be called "little Paris."

WHAT A WEEK. I don't know if I can do daily summaries like I've done in the past because we are literally SO DANG BUSY HERE EVERY SINGLE DAY but I'll try this week and then if not idk I'll figure something out
So on Tuesday we went to go visit a member named Sora Lature who I've actually visited before when I was here on exchanges in January. She didn't remember me but that's okay. We also went to the mission offce at some point and I had a package! Thanks for the Takis. You know who you are. We also grabbed a Book of Mormon in Serbian for our friend from Macedonia. She speaks Macedonian, Serbian, Bulgarian, and Romanian. Then we met her at the mall and had a kick butt lesson with her. She's super cute and accepted the book and I just love her. We got donuts. 

We went to visit a member named Valerica and I basically fell asleep in her house. Idk I was just exhausted. Whoops. Oh well. She has a pet bird though and I hate birds. We also met with a super cute family to teach their 10 year old son English. They're awesome. And the mom told us that she started praying like how we taught her to pray instead of just saying Tatal Nostru (The Lord's Prayer) and she said that it makes a HUGE difference and she feels more peace and comfort after praying now :) So that's awesome. 

On Thursday we went to visit another member, Sora Sergentu. It was her late husband's birthday, so she made his favorite food for us. She's super duper sweet and I really like her. We went less active finding as well and we found this old guy... He wrote a ton of poetry about America (in English) and he wants us to get it published for him. It's actually decently good poetry but we were just like, uh, we have no way of getting this published for you we're twenty year olds with no connections.  We're sending the elders to him :)))) 

District meeting! So my district this transfer is HUGE. Elder Lemon was in the MTC with me, Elder Green flew to Romania with us, Elders Sewell and Meek have each been here for three months, Sora Warwick goes home next month, Sora Sterrett three months behind me, and then Sora Nowjack and I :) After district meeting we went to lunch together at a restaurant called 18. It's on the 18th floor of a skyscraper. It was pretty good and decently priced. Then we had a lesson with a member named Mirela and then headed over to an investigator named Mihaela's house. She's ten years old and just finished reading the Book of Mormon and she LOVES it. Ah. She's freaking great I love her. 

Saturday we took Sora Sergentu for a walk in the park and then we met with a member named Geta. We ate spaghetti with ketchup and it wasn't as gross as it sounds. We went to go visit a guy we met block knocking who invited us back BUT his wife was NOT HAVING THAT so she kicked us out of our block and said if we ever came back she'd report us... but like we have a member who lives there. So. Not sure how that's gonna go. 

CHURCH IS ACTUALLY THREE HOURS HERE INSTEAD OF TWO. AND WE HAVE A CHAPEL INSTEAD OF A HOUSE. It's bizarre. I feel like I'm back in the states. Our companionship goes to Young Women and it was a ton of fun. The YW pres fed us :) Sandwiches and brownies. They were so good. Then we came home and had lunch (yes we just got fed but we were hungry) and then headed to the mission office to skype our families! It was great. That took up most of the afternoon/evening. It was a good day. 

So today we cleaned and grocery shopped and I finally almost finished unpacking and then we went to one of the millions of malls in Buch with Soras Sterrett and Warwick and had MEXICAN FOOD! It wasn't 100% the same but it was really good and actually spicy and I was really happy. Then we came here and now I'm emailing. Later we're going to visit the member who lives in the block the lady kicked us out of so pray for us, lol. 

Sora Lucy Gleason
România/Moldova Mission
July 2016-January 2018

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