Monday, November 14, 2016


I told a border agent I never wanted to go back to America...

So I just realized that I HATE when missionaries put stuff in their emails in their mission language without translating it, so Marti means Tuesday. Sorry about that. On Tuesday I really don't remember what I did because all I wrote in my journal was that Sora Kitchen and I had a fight about zacusca (Romanian food). Also we taught English and one of our students got offended because we were teaching sayings in English and one of them was "Elvis had left the building" and he didn't know who Elvis was, and then when we explained "you live under a rock" we used the example that if you don't know who Elvis is, you live under a rock. Not the best idea. Our student was mad. Oh well, guess Elvis isn't the king in Romania.

Today we traveled for EXCHANGES! We left Bacau at 9am with our senior couple to Iasi where they had to do apartment inspections. We went and grabbed lunch at KFC and then caught a maxitaxi to Chisinau, Moldova! The maxitaxi wasn't even a legit maxitaxi, it was just some creepy guy with a minivan full of old people and us. I'm pretty sure we helped him smuggle drugs across the border because he kept hiding this purple bag from the border agents. But it was fun! Donald Trump is our president. We got a text from one of our members that said "Donald Duck beat Hitler Clinton!". It was funny. It rained the whole way to Chisinau. We got there around 5 and met up with two of the sisters there and then went to dinner with three of their investigators. I GOT SUSHI. AND IT WAS AWESOME. AND IT ONLY COST LIKE FOUR AMERICAN DOLLARS. I thought I'd have to go a year and a half without sushi. It was the best day ever.

JOI 10 NOIEMBRIE (Thursday)
I did my exchange with Sora Nicol, who was actually at SUU at the same time I was! What a small world. She played volleyball there. In the morning we went block knocking. People in Moldova speak mostly Russian, and when they do speak Romanian they have a gnarly accent. So I understood absolutely nothing all day. And I had to take the bus for the first time in my whole mission and it was stressful and crowded. We went to lunch with the elders and one of their investigators. What's an elder???? I've been in a city with only sisters for like three months now. Elders are so alien to me. I had a burger. Then we went to the church to do something, I don't remember what. And I saw SORA LEE!!!! Oh man I missed her so much. But we both confessed that we don't actually read each others emails, we just look at the pictures, so she probably won't even see this ha. But if you're actually reading, hi Sora Lee! After that we went street contacting with the Russian elders. Chisinau is so much bigger than Bacau. I was just like "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the whole time. That night Sora Kitchen and I caught a maxitaxi to Iasi, but when we got there, there weren't any maxitaxis to Bacau. So we stayed the night at the Iasi sisters' apartment. I love them! Sora Rich and Sora Langenstein. They're awesome.
OH YEAH. I ALMOST GOT KICKED OUT OF ROMANIA. At the Romanian border the border agents were asking me about the election and I told them I was never going back to America and they were like.... where are you gonna go then??? and I was like uhhhhhhh I'm kidding haha please let me back in your country. They laughed it off thoug,h so it was allll good.

Happy 11/11. Friday morning we caught a maxi back to Bacau. Actually first we bought donuts and almost missed our taxi and then the driver was like "you're not allowed to eat in here" so we had to sit with warm donuts on our lap for two hours and it was miserable. I was so hungry. But then we got back and had district meeting. We visited Vlad at work and then had dinner with Andreea. Then we came home and crashed because we were exhausted from traveling. 

First thing we went to see Sora Dragomir at 11.

 She fed us. We had ciorba (soup--oh my gosh it's to die for) beans and sausage, and pickled watermelon which was actually AMAZING. Seriously, it was so good. Then we went to teach English and it was pretty cool. We had a new student named Gabriela who was SUPER cute and wants to meet with us :))) We're really excited. After English we went to the mall for late lunch because we had an appointment there later anyway. The mall on Saturday afternoon is SO CROWDED AND I HATE IT. Our appointment bunged us so we just went contacting in the mall. Does anyone remember that vine with the screaming toy chicken things at Walmart? WELL I FOUND ONE OF THOSE CHICKENS IN A STORE. And scared Sora Kitchen with it. And an old Romanian lady started laughing at us and said we were acting like children but that it was really cute. She was so nice but in a hurry so we couldn't talk, but it was funny. After that we went to see Vlad at work again. We visit him a lot so all the kids that hang out at his store know us and some of them are in love with us so we each got a rose from a ten year old and it was adorable. Then as a joke I got behind the counter except then Vlad actually made me do stuff. He was like "push this button and give him two lei now hand him this box" and that's the story of how I sold a guy cigarettes on my mission. Whoops. 

I didn't write in my journal on Sunday so let's see if I remember everything. I went to church. It was good. After church we went to the senior couple's house to grab some stuff and we saw this ADORABLE litter of puppies so of course we played with them and it was so much fun. 

Then we went with our senior couple to go visit a member named Kinga who lives in a village about 45 minutes away. She's so cool. 

After that we came back to Bacau and it was snowing SO HARD. Thankfully nothing stuck but wow, I still hate winter. We visited Alin and then saw Dragos. He says hi. Then we had dinner with the Alemans. They made mac and cheese and it was great. Nothing like our mac and cheese disaster. Then we came home and that was basically it.

Today we went grocery shopping and then had lunch with Andreea and then went in an orthodox church and then came to email. Dragos came with us and that's why this is so late. It was a really good week :)

Sora Kitchen goes home next week and it's transfers and I'll be in Bucuresti probably for like a day so I don't know if/when I'll email next week sooooooo if you don't hear from me it's ok, I'm not dead.

Good luck with President Trump!

Also, who won the world series?

Sora Lucy Gleason
România/Moldova Mission
July 2016-January 2018

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